Change Management

Change Management

Here is book - Why it is hard to learn from data and change

Popperian vs Kuhn (book link)

Kuhn vs. Popper book (struggle in science progress) describe two dimensions

  • Popper specified - Scientists falsify hypotheses and move forward with new discoveries.

  • Khun added socialist view and described power-structure in industry and academia block paradigm shift.

    • It takes longer, more effort and grief. Only after enough anomalies occur, evidence accumulates change happens. (one should avoid or reduce this phase)

Nudge (book link) - Improve decisions thru better choice design and data

By designing the right choices one can nudge people in the right direction.

  • In opt-out countries 90% of people donate organs, In opt-in only 15% do.

  • Placing food in different order changes eating behavior in schools.

  • Open staircase in an office building increases collaboration.

  • Default choice impact 401K and saving behavior

  • Most famous example is washroom, NYTimes Link 2 Link 3

Data science can help improve many decision making and building choices.