
Lessons learnt from hundreds of ML Projects


Visualization for Data Science


Visualization for Data Science

Focus on 1) User. 2) Task or Decision user need to make 3) Data and information

SaaS product

MVP to Product

  • Identify use case

  • Build demoable solution

  • Add automated deployment

  • Capabilities to extend to many customer

  • Increase utility

Customer Feedback

Kano Model

Kano Model

  • Use list of features

  • Use 2 dimensions - functional utility, customer satisfication

  • Determine which features are satisfying or exceeding customer need

Build vs Buy Flow chart

Whether to build AI or buy AI tools

Build vs Buy

  • Build strategic capability

  • Buy routine

For data driven capability above becomes more complicated. See slide

How to lead and structure ML Projects

GCP Online Meetup #49: Managing ML Projects

How to Manage ML Projects

  • Convert use case to ML Use case

  • Determine elephant and monkey tasks

  • Determine whether more data, different data, different algorithm will produce results


Experiment prep

Field Research Experiment Steps


  • Identify Research Question, Justify Why experiment is needed, Define Null Hypothesis, Do Experiment design


  • Randomization, EDA, Modeling, Analysis, Conclusion

MVP - Minimum Viable Product

MVP Canvas

MVP Canvas

GTM Slides

GTM Slides

GTM Strategy slides

  • Strategy MAP, GTM Roadmap, GTM Planning

  • Product Market Fit, Customer Value MAP, Brand positioning

  • Unique selling proposition, Product value proposition