ML Orthogonalization

Problem definition - Orthogonal ML dials

In many domains, we have to run thousands of experiments to find plausible candidates.



  • Dataset {Xi, Yi}

  • Objective function J(f) to evaluate model performance

Constraints: Data scientist time, accuracy, etc


  • A trained model in the form y = f(x)

  • We can describe this in form of y = f(x; α)

Where set α   =  [ α ₀, α ₁, α ₂, …, αₙ] are parameters of model


Consider a vector θ. It includes all possible operations on data (e.g. ingestion, transformation, feature engineering, modeling, hyperparameter tuning)

θ   =  [ θ ₁, θ ₂, …, θ ₙ]

Note: For simplicity, we can consider all θ n as simple element operations. In elaborate settings, trees and graphs can be used to represent dependencies/hierarchy of operations.

Problem Statement

We can define problem statement as - we have a pool of preprocessing methods, feature transformation methods, ML algorithms, and hyperparameters. The goal is to select the combination of knobs that produce the best results.


  1. Efficiently find set of elements in θ that produce the best α

  2. Enable building Orthogonal knobs O


  1. Intelligently and efficiently determine a set of values in θ that will produce results.

  2. Automate execution of θ vector to produce α and evaluate the result

  3. Enable creating higher-level θs and build dials O[] control